A Glass of Chianti

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


I made some strawberry jelly this afternoon and learned a few things:

1. Those little seeds aren't the easiest things to remove from the countertop.
2. Coco likes the theory of eating strawberries a whole lot more than the practice of eating them. She'd ask until I gave her a piece and then would sniff at it for a good three or four minutes before abandoning the project. A little bit later she was asking for another piece. Cats are weird.
3. It's hard to scale a jelly recipe down to a reasonable size. I have so much, I think I will be eating it for three years.
4. Cooking while drinking some good Texan Orange Moscato wine is a pretty good idea for a lazy summer's day.
5. Kiwis (with the hairy skin) and strawberries not used for jelly make a pretty great lunch.