A Glass of Chianti

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Sad songs: (Mostly) Texas edition

Over at Eve's, Amy's and Jamie's they're talking about sad songs. So, with a significant slant toward the Lone Star State, here are a few:

Hank Williams - Cold, Cold Heart (Man.... "A memory from your lonesome past keeps us so far apart/Why can't I free your doubtful mind and melt your cold, cold heart?)
George Strait - Amarillo by Morning, You Look So Good in Love, Does Fort Worth Ever Cross Your Mind? (Doubly sad because the slutty girl is in Dallas... Dallas!)
Bobby Darin - Eighteen Yellow Roses (Really, though, I misinterpreted the song the first 20 million times I heard it so, I have this weird disconnect when the song comes up randomly on the computer. I kind of like my original reading better... I'm notorious for just completely missing the points of simple things. I need blunt not nuance, it seems. ;))

One song that always gets me to crying, yet is not sad, is George Strait's Love Without End, Amen. (Who hasn't disappointed their dad and really needed to hear this?)