A Glass of Chianti

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Let me begin by saying

Smart guy: Angus
Neither smart nor a guy: Sarah

Now that that's over *sigh* I have to do something that I hoped never to have to do. I must address Family Guy on my blog. You have no idea how much this breaks my heart.

I realize that I am the only person in the world under 30 and over 15 who doesn't worship at the altar of Seth MacFarlane. I know this because every time I'm over at somebody's apartment and a commercial comes on promoting the show, everyone in the room turns around and gasps for air in order to prepare to laugh. Frankly, I do too. Unfortunately for me, the laugh does not come.

The reasons for not liking Family Guy are adequately addressed by people who are much better writers than I am. They are more observant, and generally cooler, too.

Listen, I like low-brow humor as much as the next guy (I've watched the Houston Astros play...). The problem is that Family Guy isn't aiming for low brow. Sure some of the gags are, but I get the sense as I watch that the show is going for "insightful social commentary" with some envelope-pushing profanity. I would like the show more if they would just embrace the dirty comedy and forget the rest. Somehow, I don't think that's going to happen. The people involved with the show and the fans I know are just too convinced that they are pulling the wool over everyone's eyes with smart writing. References alone do not wit make, and I really don't think any thinking person would describe *anything* about the show as nuanced. Frankly, I like my funny like I like my compliments: accurate, sincere and copious in amount. Some perspective? I am just as satisfied in the humor in an evening of Family Guy as I am in the compliments I've received lately.

When I have to work to find something funny, I lose interest very quickly. It's not entertaining. I'm sorry.

What is entertaining? Arrested Development, because they aren't afraid of bad puns, and ridiculous situations. Family Guy seems to want to be grounded in reality and at the same time not be restricted by it at all. It just doesn't work.

If you don't mind, I'll be content watching shows with lines like "Oh, look at me 'getting off,'" and "I blue myself again," rather than "Holy crip, he's a crapple." I'll still watch Family Guy waiting for it to be funny because whenever I find myself on Sunday night somewhere other than my apartment, I'll want to be part of the cool crowd.