A Glass of Chianti

Sunday, October 30, 2005

I guess I'm just not cool enough for the Chilean penguins

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Your personality type is RCOAI
You are reserved, calm, organized, accommodating, and intellectual, and may prefer a city which matches those traits.

The largest representation of your personality type can be found in the these U.S. cities: Albuquerque/Santa Fe, Norfolk, Oklahoma City, Nashville, Tucson, Dallas/Ft. Worth, San Antonio, Indianapolis, Memphis, Milwaukee, Orange County, Los Angeles and these international countries/regions Indonesia, Ukraine, Denmark, Middle East, Czech Republic, India, Caribbean, Romania, Hungary, Greece, Guam, Israel, South Korea, Norway, Mexico

What Places In The World Match Your Personality?
City Reviews at CityCulture.org

A couple things:
1) The Metroplex!
2) I guess the Czech Republic is almost as cool as Chile.
3) I have lots of furniture to rearrange today. Obviously, I will either be a very good person and make amazing progress this afternoon (translation: blogging will be light) or I will be a very bad person and play with quizzes and my cat (translation: lots of blogging).
4) I had a really great week capped by a sudden flash of musical inspiration around 2:30 this morning. Is it too weird if my perpetually-in-progress requiem quotes significant sections of "The Munsters" theme?