A Glass of Chianti

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


I have an update that will cause some great stress. Indeed, those readers ought not to continue until a stiff drink is on hand.

Ready? OK, take a deep breath.

Sarah has tan lines.

Let that sink in for a second.

All right. :)

I spent the day at the Lake Weatherford reading some Seneca and doing two chapters in my French grammar book. (My wine pairing talents are infinitely better than my language pairings, sad to say.) Frankly, it was too cold to swim enjoyably, but I don't feel bad in the least that I spent the day in the great Texas sun surrounded by a group of 14-17 year olds on summer break. I won't ask where their parents were, as they were good kids, for the most part. They did not find the water too cold. At one point, I thought about venturing into the lake again, but then I remembered that I was sane.
I am a *much* better Latin autodidact than French, I have found. This is the point where I should decide whether I want to continue beating my head against a wall or pick up Italian, instead. Those of you who know me well, will probably know what my decision will be: I'm likely to continue with the French. Maybe I'm not sane, after all.

*sigh* Off to watch some White. Mmmmmmmm. Polish with subtitles.